I wonder when or even IF I'll ever be on someone's priority list (not talking about my family because I know I make their list). I feel like I give and give and give and give and no one really cares to do much for me. I hardly ever ask for much. I'm pretty low maintence for a girl if you compare me to others. It's getting really frustrating. People shouldn't take advantage of nice people like me who give their all in friendships and relationships.
Maybe I'm picky, but I'm sorry a lot of people will never be good enough for me as close friends or as a significant other. It's not that I think I'm this super attractive and perfect person with all the best qualities. Not true...I'm sure I'm disliked or hated by people even though that doesn't really matter to me anyway. I know I'm not conceited, but what makes me feel that people don't deserve me is the fact at how far I'm willing to go to take care of the ones I care about or love when I know that hardly anyone will give that same treatment back to me. Trust me, I've seen it plenty of times. I'm tired of caring so much about people who hardly could care about what happens to me.
That's fine. Lose a good friend. Lose a good girlfriend.
I don't need to prove myself to anyone. I know what I would do for someone I care and love. I know what kind of personality I have. I know I would never betray someone or be unfaithful. I know my drive and determination will lead me in the right direction. I know that I am rare and genuine just like a read diamond.
If you are not willing to notice that and care enough to be good to me then...
...You're not worth it and you definitely don't deserve me.
So with that said...please don't come to me in the future when I'm successful and doing really well ON MY OWN in life and act like you care.
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