Thursday, December 8, 2011

You're a Mean One...Mr. Grinch

I really have this big annoyance with people who are CONSTANTLY negative. I don't think those people realize how their negative energy is contagious. Therefore, I definitely try to surround myself with positive and uplifting people. Now, it's totally okay to complain or be upset about something. Everyone gets in those moods including myself. I get so angry at the world and just want to scream at pretty much everyone sometimes, but I try to still stay very positive. Even when things were going so badly for me I was laughing, smiling, and NOT trying to bring others down.
People always say "fml" and to be honest it disgusts me (unless you're honestly joking). Really?! Is your life that terrible that you have to say "fml" for every bad situation in your life. Things aren't always going to go your way because we don't have control over all the variables in life, but do you really need to hate your life because of that? Stop complaining and trying to bring everyone else down with you and do something about it!
I think it's really important to be positive and have a good attitude towards most situations because like I said, I think it's contagious. This is one of my reasons I try to treat everyone so nicely even if they don't reciprocate the same treatment toward me. I think that maybe eventually it'll rub off onto them and maybe they'll start being the same way because of the contagious energy. It's like the story/movie, The Grinch. He is so negative and hateful, but when he see that one person cares about him, he starts to change.

I also feel like good friends are ones that help keep you in check. People who have read my blog before or who have even had a convo with me have probably heard me talk about my sister a lot, but I can relate this situation to her as well. One great thing about us as sisters and as best friends is that we keep each other in check. We both have expectations for each other. We expect the other one to succeed, work hard, try her best, stay strong against peer pressure, and be herself. We have a selfless relationship because we truly care about each other's feelings, happiness, and success.  Then there are "friends" or acquantinces that have somewhat of a selfish relationship with you. They just see what they can get out of you. If they are down, they want to bring you down with them because "misery loves company"! They pressure you to do things that you generally might not what to do on your own, but they want you to be on their level. Maybe it's a way to boost their self esteem if they see you can lower your standards to meet them at their low points. Not good friends though, they will be the ones holding you accountable and pushing you to succeed and do the most you can to reach success. Those type of friends are very rare, so if you find them be sure to cherish them.

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