Today I was thinking about how almost anything really is possible if you have enough will power. And I'm talking about legit and realistic things, not magical wishes. For example, someone who lives on the street begging for money probably could get somewhere further in life. In fact, it's happened before. Just look at Chris Gardner (Pursuit of Happyness is based on his life struggles to get to where his is today). He had enough will power to keep trying even though he got knocked down so many times. I'm sure that is extremely difficult and I could never imagine, but I know for sure that I would NEVER sit around asking people for money on a corner somewhere in the city. Do something about it. It's possible, so have the will power!
This might seem random, but another example is ADD/ADHD and the over diagnosis of this "disorder". You know what? Everyone is a little bit spacy at times; everyone has those moments where they can't concentrate on anything. Does that make he/she ADD/ADHD? Nope! Everyone has the ability to lose focus and to have focus, but it's whether or not you have the self control to pick the focused path. Obviously if you take a medication that is supposed to help you focus, then you should probably be focused. But then you're relying on something and that's a weakness in all honesty. If ANYONE took that medication it probably should help them focus because that's the sole purpose of that medication. If we all wanted to get everything done without any distractions or loss of concentration, we would all just stay on medication so we would never face those concentration issues. It's the same thing for a head ache. Just because someone has a head ache and a pain killer such as Advil or Tylenol might help, it doesn't mean it should be taken all the time.
What I'm trying to get at is bigger than this whole medication ordeal. I just wanted to make a comparison. People rely on and depend upon certain crutches too much in life. People get so dependent on certain things that it makes them so weak. People have no will power to just try to make it through something or force themself to have self control. I can never understand people who say "I have to have my caffeine or I can't function" or "I know I should exercise and eat healthier, but I don't feel like it". Well then, since you lack will power, you will get the results that come from those behaviors. Those are just stubborn mindsets in my opinion.Then people also feel that they can blame any of their issues on those "weak" traits. This one is really bothersome, "Fast food resturants should be sued for making me fat"!
That's pure ignorance. The majority of us have the ability to make decisions by a certain point in our life. We have the ability to seek knowledge, to question (even question authority), and to decide on our own what we will and will not do.
So the question isn't "Can you do it?", it's "Are you WILLING to do it?"
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