"Your fears are a kind of prison that confines you within a limited range of action. The less you fear, the more power you will have and the more fully you will live."--Robert Greene
Today I picked up a book I've been meaning to read for like the past 2 years called The 50th Law written by 50 Cent (my favorite musical artist & celebrity I look up to) and Robert Greene. When I picked the book up the clerk at the desk said "You know what this is about right? It's about dominating people, blah blah blah". I was kind of offended because he probably hardcore judged me for my book choice. Plus, it's NOT about dominating people. I already started reading it and loved it within the first few pages. The book is mainly about fear and how to conquer that fear and become more powerful in the process. Some of the famous quotes and concepts in the book are really thought provoking. I feel as though reading this book is going to be highly beneficial to my mindset. I would really love to become a fearless and powerful person. I like to be in control and in charge. I like to be on top of my game. I enjoy depending on myself while others depend on everything and everyone, BUT his or herself.
Anyway, this book got me thinking about fear and how it's used as a way to control. Some people play upon people's fears. This happens ALL the time with government and with religion. He even says in the book,
"Out of fear, we also developed religion and various belief systems that comfort us. Fear is the oldest and strongest emotion known to man, something deeply inscribed in our nervous system and subconscious."It appears as though a vast majority of people have this huge fear of a "higher being" and I'm not sure why. First of all even as parents, we are NOT supposed to have our children fear us, yet respect us. So why do people feel the need to say ridiculous things such as "I only fear God"? Why? What are you doing so wrong in this world that you need to fear some higher invisible being? It's just another attempt at controlling people and playing with their emotions. Fear is what makes you weak. It stops you from being you. It holds you back from opportunities. It makes you dependent. It traps you and confines you.
Everyone has emotions and that's completely natural. We are technically animals, so it's instinct to have fears, but when you let those fears consume you then that's when it becomes a problem.
I really truly want to begin to live this lifestyle of less or no fear. I typically get a lot of anxiety and fear about things that are out of my control although I've gotten much better. Now, I'd like to look at those situations that bring fear to me and instead of avoiding it, getting anxious, and/or upset, I will deal with it head on. Instead of letting fear and adversity get the best of me, I will find a way to come out stronger and more powerful. I will turn something negative and make it positive. I will not live in a fantasy world, but I will accept reality while working on the aspects that I have control over.
This might be difficult and somewhat of a process, but I believe that I have the drive, fury, and extreme amounts of desire to go through with this idea of "fear nothing". I don't want to settle for less and I always will want more, so I feel as though this book and all the concepts presented in it are perfect for me, especially at this point in my life.
Fear Nothing.
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